CAMERA:{ "projection_type":"perspective", # Can be perspective, brown, fisheye or equirectangular "width": NUMBER, # Image width in pixels "height": NUMBER, # Image height in pixels
# Depending on the projection type more parameters are stored. # These are the parameters of the perspective camera. "focal": NUMBER, # Estimated focal length "k1": NUMBER, # Estimated distortion coefficient "k2": NUMBER, # Estimated distortion coefficient }
SHOT:{ "camera": CAMERA_ID, "rotation":[X, Y, Z], # Estimated rotation as an angle-axis vector "translation":[X, Y, Z], # Estimated translation "gps_position":[X, Y, Z], # GPS coordinates in the reconstruction reference frame "gps_dop": METERS, # GPS accuracy in meters "orientation": NUMBER, # EXIF orientation tag (can be 1,3,6 or 8) "capture_time": SECONDS # Capture time as a UNIX timestamp }
POINT:{ "coordinates":[X, Y, Z], # Estimated position of the point "color":[R, G, B], # Color of the point }
{ // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes. // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes. // For more information, visit: "version":"0.2.0", "configurations":[ { "name":"Python Debugger: Current File", "type":"debugpy", "request":"launch", "program":"${file}", "console":"integratedTerminal", "justMyCode":false, "args":["extract_metadata","/workspace/yourdataset"] } ] }
# Params for features feature_type:HAHOG# Feature type (AKAZE, SURF, SIFT, HAHOG, ORB) feature_root:1# If 1, apply square root mapping to features feature_min_frames:4000# If fewer frames are detected, sift_peak_threshold/surf_hessian_threshold is reduced. feature_process_size:2048# Resize the image if its size is larger than specified. Set to -1 for original size feature_use_adaptive_suppression:no
# Params for SIFT sift_peak_threshold:0.1# Smaller value -> more features sift_edge_threshold:10# See OpenCV doc
# Params for SURF surf_hessian_threshold:3000# Smaller value -> more features surf_n_octaves:4# See OpenCV doc surf_n_octavelayers:2# See OpenCV doc surf_upright:0# See OpenCV doc
# Params for AKAZE (See details in lib/src/third_party/akaze/AKAZEConfig.h) akaze_omax:4# Maximum octave evolution of the image 2^sigma (coarsest scale sigma units) akaze_dthreshold:0.001# Detector response threshold to accept point akaze_descriptor:MSURF# Feature type akaze_descriptor_size:0# Size of the descriptor in bits. 0->Full size akaze_descriptor_channels:3# Number of feature channels (1,2,3) akaze_kcontrast_percentile:0.7 akaze_use_isotropic_diffusion:no
# Params for HAHOG hahog_peak_threshold:0.00001 hahog_edge_threshold:10 hahog_normalize_to_uchar:yes
# Params for general matching lowes_ratio:0.8# Ratio test for matches matcher_type:FLANN# FLANN, BRUTEFORCE, or WORDS symmetric_matching:yes# Match symmetricly or one-way
# Params for FLANN matching flann_branching:8# See OpenCV doc flann_iterations:10# See OpenCV doc flann_checks:20# Smaller -> Faster (but might lose good matches)
# Params for BoW matching bow_file:bow_hahog_root_uchar_10000.npz bow_words_to_match:50# Number of words to explore per feature. bow_num_checks:20# Number of matching features to check. bow_matcher_type:FLANN# Matcher type to assign words to features
# Params for VLAD matching vlad_file:bow_hahog_root_uchar_64.npz
# Params for matching matching_gps_distance:150# Maximum gps distance between two images for matching matching_gps_neighbors:0# Number of images to match selected by GPS distance. Set to 0 to use no limit (or disable if matching_gps_distance is also 0) matching_time_neighbors:0# Number of images to match selected by time taken. Set to 0 to disable matching_order_neighbors:0# Number of images to match selected by image name. Set to 0 to disable matching_bow_neighbors:0# Number of images to match selected by BoW distance. Set to 0 to disable matching_bow_gps_distance:0# Maximum GPS distance for preempting images before using selection by BoW distance. Set to 0 to disable matching_bow_gps_neighbors:0# Number of images (selected by GPS distance) to preempt before using selection by BoW distance. Set to 0 to use no limit (or disable if matching_bow_gps_distance is also 0) matching_bow_other_cameras:False# If True, BoW image selection will use N neighbors from the same camera + N neighbors from any different camera. matching_vlad_neighbors:0# Number of images to match selected by VLAD distance. Set to 0 to disable matching_vlad_gps_distance:0# Maximum GPS distance for preempting images before using selection by VLAD distance. Set to 0 to disable matching_vlad_gps_neighbors:0# Number of images (selected by GPS distance) to preempt before using selection by VLAD distance. Set to 0 to use no limit (or disable if matching_vlad_gps_distance is also 0) matching_vlad_other_cameras:False# If True, VLAD image selection will use N neighbors from the same camera + N neighbors from any different camera. matching_use_filters:False# If True, removes static matches using ad-hoc heuristics
# Params for geometric estimation robust_matching_threshold:0.004# Outlier threshold for fundamental matrix estimation as portion of image width robust_matching_calib_threshold:0.004# Outlier threshold for essential matrix estimation during matching in radians robust_matching_min_match:20# Minimum number of matches to accept matches between two images five_point_algo_threshold:0.004# Outlier threshold for essential matrix estimation during incremental reconstruction in radians five_point_algo_min_inliers:20# Minimum number of inliers for considering a two view reconstruction valid five_point_refine_match_iterations:10# Number of LM iterations to run when refining relative pose during matching five_point_refine_rec_iterations:1000# Number of LM iterations to run when refining relative pose during reconstruction triangulation_threshold:0.006# Outlier threshold for accepting a triangulated point in radians triangulation_min_ray_angle:1.0# Minimum angle between views to accept a triangulated point triangulation_type:FULL# Triangulation type : either considering all rays (FULL), or sing a RANSAC variant (ROBUST) resection_threshold:0.004# Outlier threshold for resection in radians resection_min_inliers:10# Minimum number of resection inliers to accept it
# Params for track creation min_track_length:2# Minimum number of features/images per track
# Params for bundle adjustment loss_function:SoftLOneLoss# Loss function for the ceres problem (see: loss_function_threshold:1# Threshold on the squared residuals. Usually cost is quadratic for smaller residuals and sub-quadratic above. reprojection_error_sd:0.004# The standard deviation of the reprojection error exif_focal_sd:0.01# The standard deviation of the exif focal length in log-scale principal_point_sd:0.01# The standard deviation of the principal point coordinates radial_distorsion_k1_sd:0.01# The standard deviation of the first radial distortion parameter radial_distorsion_k2_sd:0.01# The standard deviation of the second radial distortion parameter radial_distorsion_k3_sd:0.01# The standard deviation of the third radial distortion parameter radial_distorsion_p1_sd:0.01# The standard deviation of the first tangential distortion parameter radial_distorsion_p2_sd:0.01# The standard deviation of the second tangential distortion parameter bundle_outlier_filtering_type:FIXED# Type of threshold for filtering outlier : either fixed value (FIXED) or based on actual distribution (AUTO) bundle_outlier_auto_ratio:3.0# For AUTO filtering type, projections with larger reprojection than ratio-times-mean, are removed bundle_outlier_fixed_threshold:0.006# For FIXED filtering type, projections with larger reprojection error after bundle adjustment are removed optimize_camera_parameters:yes# Optimize internal camera parameters during bundle bundle_max_iterations:100# Maximum optimizer iterations.
retriangulation:yes# Retriangulate all points from time to time retriangulation_ratio:1.2# Retriangulate when the number of points grows by this ratio bundle_interval:999999# Bundle after adding 'bundle_interval' cameras bundle_new_points_ratio:1.2# Bundle when the number of points grows by this ratio local_bundle_radius:3# Max image graph distance for images to be included in local bundle adjustment local_bundle_min_common_points:20# Minimum number of common points betwenn images to be considered neighbors local_bundle_max_shots:30# Max number of shots to optimize during local bundle adjustment
save_partial_reconstructions:no# Save reconstructions at every iteration
# Params for GPS alignment use_altitude_tag:no# Use or ignore EXIF altitude tag align_method:orientation_prior# orientation_prior or naive align_orientation_prior:horizontal# horizontal, vertical or no_roll bundle_use_gps:yes# Enforce GPS position in bundle adjustment bundle_use_gcp:no# Enforce Ground Control Point position in bundle adjustment
# Params for navigation graph nav_min_distance:0.01# Minimum distance for a possible edge between two nodes nav_step_pref_distance:6# Preferred distance between camera centers nav_step_max_distance:20# Maximum distance for a possible step edge between two nodes nav_turn_max_distance:15# Maximum distance for a possible turn edge between two nodes nav_step_forward_view_threshold:15# Maximum difference of angles in degrees between viewing directions for forward steps nav_step_view_threshold:30# Maximum difference of angles in degrees between viewing directions for other steps nav_step_drift_threshold:36# Maximum motion drift with respect to step directions for steps in degrees nav_turn_view_threshold:40# Maximum difference of angles in degrees with respect to turn directions nav_vertical_threshold:20# Maximum vertical angle difference in motion and viewing direction in degrees nav_rotation_threshold:30# Maximum general rotation in degrees between cameras for steps
# Params for image undistortion undistorted_image_format:jpg# Format in which to save the undistorted images undistorted_image_max_size:100000# Max width and height of the undistorted image
# Params for depth estimation depthmap_method:PATCH_MATCH_SAMPLE# Raw depthmap computation algorithm (PATCH_MATCH, BRUTE_FORCE, PATCH_MATCH_SAMPLE) depthmap_resolution:640# Resolution of the depth maps depthmap_num_neighbors:10# Number of neighboring views depthmap_num_matching_views:6# Number of neighboring views used for each depthmaps depthmap_min_depth:0# Minimum depth in meters. Set to 0 to auto-infer from the reconstruction. depthmap_max_depth:0# Maximum depth in meters. Set to 0 to auto-infer from the reconstruction. depthmap_patchmatch_iterations:3# Number of PatchMatch iterations to run depthmap_patch_size:7# Size of the correlation patch depthmap_min_patch_sd:1.0# Patches with lower standard deviation are ignored depthmap_min_correlation_score:0.1# Minimum correlation score to accept a depth value depthmap_same_depth_threshold:0.01# Threshold to measure depth closeness depthmap_min_consistent_views:3# Min number of views that should reconstruct a point for it to be valid depthmap_save_debug_files:no# Save debug files with partial reconstruction results
# Other params processes:1# Number of threads to use
# Params for submodel split and merge submodel_size:80# Average number of images per submodel submodel_overlap:30.0# Radius of the overlapping region between submodels submodels_relpath:"submodels"# Relative path to the submodels directory submodel_relpath_template:"submodels/submodel_%04d"# Template to generate the relative path to a submodel directory submodel_images_relpath_template:"submodels/submodel_%04d/images"# Template to generate the relative path to a submodel images directory