本文最后更新于:2024年5月7日 下午
通过 Nginx 建立自己的图床后,之前的 Picgo 无法使用,导致在文档中插入图片十分不便,本文记录自己搭建 Python 后端服务来为自己的图床适配 Picgo 的方法。
- 链路没有打通前调试十分重要,具体方法为:
- 在服务器安装 Python
- 本地 VScode 远程调试服务器代码
- 运行 flask 服务,本地使用 Picgo 发送数据包进行调试
- 服务器上使用 Python 开启 flask 监听特定端口
- 服务器开通防火墙暴露端口
- 本地 Picgo 向服务器地址发送数据包
- flask 接收、解析数据,按照需求处理业务逻辑,返回文件 url
- 将该服务设置为服务器开机启动服务,之后便再也不用操心无人接管 Picgo 数据包
PicGo 端配置
API 地址为服务器地址,后面 /
post 参数名为文件所在参数名
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| from flask import Flask, request import io from PIL import Image import mtutils as mt import numpy as np
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| key_para = 'file' save_root = 'path-to-your-file' host = '' default_name = 'imgbed' log_file_path = '/usr/local/imgbed/log.log' port = '6789'
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| app = Flask(__name__) app.last_file = None
app.logger = mt.log_init(log_file_path)
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| def specific_path(save_to): file = request.files[key_para] file_content = file.read() save_dir = mt.OS_join(save_root, save_to) mt.dir_check(save_dir)
if file.content_type[:5].lower() == 'image' and file.content_type[-4:].lower() not in ['/jpg', 'jpeg']: image_obj = Image.open(io.BytesIO(file_content))
file_name = str(mt.Path(file.filename).with_suffix('.jpg')) save_path = mt.OS_join(save_dir, file_name) image_save_path = mt.Path(save_path) image_save_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) image_obj.save(str(image_save_path)) app.logger(f'Transfer and save image to {save_path}.') else: file_name = file.filename save_path = mt.OS_join(save_dir, file_name) obj = open(save_path, mode='wb') obj.write(file_content) app.logger(f'Save file to {save_path}.')
app.last_file = save_path back_link = mt.OS_join(host, 'HexoFiles', save_to, file_name) return back_link
- 之前使用 PicGo 传图时经常遇到想要删除刚刚上传图像的需求,此处加了相关功能
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| if '__del__' in save_to: res_str = 'nothing happened.' if app.last_file is not None: mt.remove_file(app.last_file) res_str = f"File deleted {app.last_file}" app.logger(res_str) app.last_file = None return res_str
在 API 链接里 /
后的字符串中如包含 __del__
- 如果没有配置 API 后的文件夹作为参数,使用默认二级文件夹
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| @app.route("/", methods=['GET','POST']) def default_save_path(): default_path = default_name return specific_path(default_path)
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| if __name__ == '__main__': app.logger("**************** Sever Start *******************") app.run('', port=port) pass
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| from flask import Flask, request import io from PIL import Image import mtutils as mt import numpy as np
key_para = 'file' save_root = 'path-to-your-file' host = '' default_name = 'imgbed' log_file_path = '/usr/local/imgbed/log.log' port = '6789'
app = Flask(__name__) app.last_file = None app.logger = mt.log_init(log_file_path)
@app.route("/<save_to>", methods=['GET','POST']) def specific_path(save_to):
if '__del__' in save_to: res_str = 'nothing happened.' if app.last_file is not None: mt.remove_file(app.last_file) res_str = f"File deleted {app.last_file}" app.logger(res_str) app.last_file = None return res_str
file = request.files[key_para] file_content = file.read()
save_dir = mt.OS_join(save_root, save_to) mt.dir_check(save_dir)
if file.content_type[:5].lower() == 'image' and file.content_type[-4:].lower() not in ['/jpg', 'jpeg']: image_obj = Image.open(io.BytesIO(file_content))
file_name = str(mt.Path(file.filename).with_suffix('.jpg')) save_path = mt.OS_join(save_dir, file_name) image_save_path = mt.Path(save_path) image_save_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) image_obj.save(str(image_save_path)) app.logger(f'Transfer and save image to {save_path}.') else: file_name = file.filename save_path = mt.OS_join(save_dir, file_name) obj = open(save_path, mode='wb') obj.write(file_content) app.logger(f'Save file to {save_path}.')
app.last_file = save_path back_link = mt.OS_join(host, 'HexoFiles', save_to, file_name) return back_link
@app.route("/", methods=['GET','POST']) def default_save_path(): default_path = default_name return specific_path(default_path)
if __name__ == '__main__': app.logger("**************** Sever Start *******************") app.run('', port=port) pass
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| [Unit] Description = Service for uploading file to target dir After = network.target
[Service] ExecStart = path-to-your-python main.py WorkingDirectory = /usr/local/imgbed/ StandardOutput = inherit StandardError = inherit Restart = always User = lighthouse
[Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target